The Superior Monoglyceride Omega-3
A "Pre-Digested" Omega-3!
It is important to know that our bodies need to enzymatically process omega-3s to convert them into omega-3 monoglycerides for absorption. That's why our MAG-O3™ oil, rich in omega-3, has been enzymatically processed to be "pre-digested" into omega-3 monoglycerides.
Dietary supplements formulated our MAG-O3™ technology are therefore rich in omega-3 monoglycerides that do not require digestion to be absorbed. They are directly assimilated by your body.
This technology was developed in Canada, patented in over 11 countries worldwide, and has been the subject of more than 20 preclinical and clinical studies.
Keep scrolling down to learn more MAG-O3™ clinical efficacy!

Human Clinical Trials
Published Studies
Approved Patents
Protected Countries

MAG-O3™ is Clinically Demonstrated to be the Superior Form of Omega-3
MAG-O3™ Monoglyceride Omega-3-rich fish oil was clinically demonstrated to deliver more EPA and DHA than EE and rTG fish oils in blood plasma*:
3X vs EE
2X vs rTG*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Reach the Recommended Level of Omega-3 Index within 8 Weeks with MAG-O3™
We now have a way to quickly and sustainably boosts the Omega-3 levels in our red blood cells. Developed by Dr. Samuel Fortin Ph.D., patented MAG-O3™ was clinically proven to help a healthy population reach the recommended Omega-3 Index level of 8% within only 2 month.*, **
In comparison, a 2 month supplementation of the same dosage of regular EE or rTG fish oils failed to reach the recommended Omega-3 Index level.*, **
As a part of an overall healthy lifestyle, an Omega-3 Index in the 8-12% range may help to maintain heart, brain, eye and joint health.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
** non-statically significant

Meet the Inventor
”Having lived all my life on the coast of the St-Lawrence River, I dedicated most of my research in sustainably harnessing biomarine nutrients with the hopes of helping people live a healthier life.”
- Samuel Fortin Ph.D., Inventor and Patent owner of MAG-O3™

Optimize your Red Blood Cells AA:EPA Ratio
Preliminary and non-statistically significant results of an ongoing pilot study is showing that an EPA-rich MAG-O3™ is better and faster at improving the AA:EPA ratio vs a dose equivalent ethyl ester fish oil. An optimum AA:EPA ratio of 2.65:1 is reached within 6 weeks only, versus a little over 5:1 for its equivalent in ethyl ester after 12 weeks.*
Higher omega-3 blood levels are strongly related to improved health and longevity.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
To Learn More
MAG-O3™ Optimizes the Absorption of Other Dietary Nutrients
MAG-O3™ was clinically proven to increase the absorption of lipophilic nutrients such as EPA, DHA, CoQ10 and Vitamin K2.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Copyright © High 5 Health Group Inc. All Rights Reserved. MAG-O3® is a trademark of High 5 Health Group Inc. MAG-O3® is protected under the following patents: CANADA: 2,672,513; 2,677,670 UNITED STATES: 8,119,690; 8,222,295; 8,329,747; 8,722,737; 8,816,110; 9,101,563; 9,233,915; 9,480,660 and 9,925,165 AUSTRALIA: 2008215077; 2008229604 GERMANY: DE 60 2008 041110.9; 2 136 844 DANEMARK: DK/EP 2121576 SPAIN: ES 2561482; 2 136 844 FRANCE: EP 2121576; 2 136 844 GREAT BRITAIN: GB/EP 2121576; 2 136 844 BELGIUM: 2 136 844 SWITZERLAND 2 136 844 NORWAY: 2 136 844